When I Sit in Darkness

When I Sit in Darkness

When I Sit in Darkness

“…When I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.” Micah 7:8

In the darkest times of life, the Lord will come and break the darkness with the light of His love and truth. In the days of physical pain, mental anguish, or a hurting heart, the presence of the Lord will surround us in the security and knowledge of His concern and healing virtue.

There will come a time that you may find yourself sitting in the dark–not moving or going forward. Though the future looks bleak and the outcomes uncertain, there is peace in resting in the light of the Lord. It is in His light that we can find courage and strength to face tomorrow. The Lord desires to come and sit with you and bring light through His acceptance and everlasting love for you. The world is dark and is growing darker, but the eternal truth of God’s Word brings a ray of light that shows us the way out of darkness.

Though the world may look bleak and though situations in your own life may be dark, Jesus came to this world to bring hope where there was despair. We need not sit in the dark for long, as our Friend and Savior will come and bring light and cheer to our heavy heart.
