My heart is full of thankfulness to be saved from sin through the blood of Jesus Christ. It is not of any goodness of my own but by God’s mercy that I am saved today. More important than the right interpretation of scripture and the theology of salvation is the personal, divine experience of salvation. It brings such peace to be able to go to bed at night and know that my sins have been forgiven and that I am a child of God. There is such assurance in resting, not in my own ability, but in the saving, keeping power of our Saviour. My desire and burden is that the study this quarter on salvation and sin will illuminate hearts and minds to the reality of the experience and expose the false teachings on this subject so prominent in our world.
I am thankful that this publication is currently being translated into Spanish and Swahili. We are looking to the Lord to provide translators for Chichewa and other languages. Lord willing, I will be making a missionary trip to Pakistan from October 23 – November 9. I would appreciate your prayers for every gospel endeavor. I encourage my fellow labors in the gospel to fight the good fight of faith. The battle is hot, but the victory is ours through Jesus Christ.
-Michael W Smith