
Through many years of ministry around the world, we recognized a great need for people to be established in doctrinal truth, as there was a vacuum of such teaching. The Spirit of God burdened us to start the Gospel Truth publication in 2011. In its genesis, it was intended to be a tool to help establish native ministers of other countries in the doctrines of the Bible. Since then, the scope of the publication has broadened to minister to people at home and abroad.
It is our consistent desire to share through the Gospel Truth the foundational, scriptural truths that can assist honest hearts in better understanding holiness and the teaching of the scripture. It is published in the interest of establishing and encouraging ministers and all of God’s people with Bible-based studies and articles.
This publication teaches and promotes the truths of the Bible that have been established since the time of Christ and the apostles. It is written to further the cause of God’s scriptural church, the Church of God.

The Gospel Truth is distributed digitally free of charge through electronic subscription and is printed and mailed to various congregations within the United States. It is currently being translated into eight other languages and printed in various countries. The Gospel Truth is supported by free-will offerings.

—Michael Smith, Editor
Michael W. s mith

Our Team

Rene Smith

Design Editor/Translation Coordinator (USA)

Julie Elwell

Proofreader (USA)

Aubrey Sorrell

Foreign Layout (USA)

Janet McMurrin

Proofreader (USA)

Irma Sallee

Proofreader (USA)

Damon Sallee

App Developer (USA)

Falitsani Kansilanga

Chichewa Translator/Printer (Malawi Bible Society)

Tricia Bell

Spanish Translator (USA)

Adrian Glezs

Spanish Proofreader (Mexico)


Spanish Proofreader (Mexico)

Barth Nwachukwu

Printer (Nigeria)

Stephen Mwangi

Swawhili Translator (Kenya Bible Society)

Alice Ahuga

Swahili Printer (Kenya)

W. S. Vedha

Tamil Editor/Proofreader (India)

V. J. Gnanarajan

Tamil Publisher/Translating Coordinator (India)

V. Selvam

Tamil Mailing Department (India)

V. J. Sam Kirubaharan

Tamil Despatch Section (India)

Mathew Joseph

Malayalam Editor/Proofreader

Baby Mathew

Asst. Editor/Malayalam Translator (India)

Biju J. Varghese

Malayalam Publisher/Coordinator (India)

Donald Elwell

Turkish Publisher/ Translation Coordinator (USA)

Bible Society (Turkey)

Turkish Translation