Gospel Truth Archives
All Gospel Truth issues are available for download at www.thegospeltruth.org. Currently available in seven languages.
All Gospel Truth issues are available for download at www.thegospeltruth.org. Currently available in seven languages.
The Gospel Truth Publishing Team A special thanks for the sacrifice and many years of service of the Gospel Truth publishing team. There is nothing
We started out printing papers on a slow, little printer on the dining room table which took 12 hours and had to be carefully monitored.
“Happy Birthday Gospel Truth! By this means many people have been reached, even those in remote areas who can’t access Internet. The Gospel Truth, with
There are 17,400 people groups in the world. 42.1% of them are unreached by the gospel. India, Pakistan, and China are the top three countries
“There is a miraculous change when someone is truly saved through the power of Jesus Christ. A Christian—a disciple of Jesus Christ, can follow in