Statement of the Position of the Church of God on War
(Resolution Approved by Ministers of the Church of God in 1948 & 1961) The ministers of the Church of God assembled at the Annual National
(Resolution Approved by Ministers of the Church of God in 1948 & 1961) The ministers of the Church of God assembled at the Annual National
How supportive can a Christian be of law enforcement and the military? As good, Christian citizens it is not hypocritical to appreciate the role and
Obeying God Rather than Man A conscientious objector is a person who refuses to serve in the armed forces or bear arms on moral or
Thou shalt not kill. —Exodus 20:13 Some translations use the word “kill,” but the word is better translated “murder” in this passage. Murder is the
God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to
“When exercised with a pure heart and a right motive, fasting may provide us with a key to unlock doors where other keys have failed;