The Tithing Rod
“The Lord established the principle of tithing among the Israelites by referring to the method by which shepherds counted the sheep [Leviticus 27:32]. When sheep
“The Lord established the principle of tithing among the Israelites by referring to the method by which shepherds counted the sheep [Leviticus 27:32]. When sheep
The Ten Commandments were the rules that governed the covenant relationship between God and the Israelites. While those laws have been abolished, the truths of
75% report being highly stressed. 91% have experienced some form of burnout in ministry. 70% constantly fight depression.
Is the wearing of high heels in keeping with the Scriptural teaching of holiness, modesty, and humility? Let the world itself answer this question. “But
Quotes from three early church fathers/writers concerning works of charity: And if there is among them any that is poor and needy, and if they
In the Old Testament, there was a lengthy, legal espousal period for a Jewish couple before they were married. This betrothal was much more binding