
Issue 39: Honesty

Liar, Beware!

(Narrative from the account recorded in Acts 5:1-11) Soon after the day of Pentecost, many of the newly converted Christians sold their houses and lands.

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Editorial - Michael Smith
Issue 39: Honesty


Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly. —Hebrews 13:18 The prayer request of the

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Issue 39: Honesty

Tale of a Cow Shed

I knew a man who was working to take care of poor orphans. The children slept in the dirt and needed many of the basic

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Bible Study
Issue 39: Honesty


Subject: Honesty Scripture Reading: Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight. —Proverbs 12:22 Definition: Honest is defined

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Issue 39: Honesty

Law of Honesty

Society is working hard to redefine right and wrong and to negate any standard of absolute morality as mandated by the creator of the universe.

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Issue 39: Honesty

Questions about Lying

Is it ever permissible to tell a lie for a greater good? From a secular standpoint, there are probably scenarios that could be discussed in

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