
The Ruin of a Wise Man
Issue 7: Power of Influence, Television, Internet

The Ruin of a Wise Man

“Ask what I shall give thee,” the Lord God said to King Solomon (1 Kings 3:5). Instead of asking for riches, fame, or long life,

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Editorial - Michael Smith
Issue 7: Power of Influence, Television, Internet

Influence of the World

For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly,

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Bible Study
Issue 7: Power of Influence, Television, Internet

Bible Study: The Power of Influence

Scripture Reading: A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. —Galatians 5:9 Summary: The enemy is using many subtle influences in the world to draw people

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The Power of Influence
Issue 7: Power of Influence, Television, Internet

The Power of Influence

The Enemy of Souls Is at Work Satan is warring against God’s people. His purpose is to destroy the very essence of their spirituality. The

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Issue 7: Power of Influence, Television, Internet

Internet in a Christian’s Life

Question: What role should internet use have in the life of a Christian? Answer: Many questions have been asked about whether a saint should have

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