Ten Years of God’s Faithfulness
We started out printing papers on a slow, little printer on the dining room table which took 12 hours and had to be carefully monitored.
We started out printing papers on a slow, little printer on the dining room table which took 12 hours and had to be carefully monitored.
“Happy Birthday Gospel Truth! By this means many people have been reached, even those in remote areas who can’t access Internet. The Gospel Truth, with
It is God’s desire and purpose to commune with His children. He has promised to lead and guide us, and it is possible through the
I knew a man who was working to take care of poor orphans. The children slept in the dirt and needed many of the basic
Jesus used parables to teach a truth or to answer a question. He used real-life situations in His stories to connect with His audience. A
Modern illustrations and life stories are valuable in relating truth to an audience. Illustrations can engage the people and make truth relevant in the light