Grow Spiritually

Editorial - Michael Smith

Grow Spiritually

But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.— Ephesians 4:15

It is glorious to see a life transformed by Jesus. It is wonderful to have spiritual newborn babes in the body of Christ. New converts bring life and vitality to God’s people, and their care and presence revitalize worship and fellowship. However, the goal should be to add new spiritual babies and for the older babes to grow in Christ. The Lord desires new converts to prosper spiritually and to become pillars in the Church of God.

It is sad so many new converts live in weakened conditions and that the spiritual infant mortality rate is so high. It need not be so, for God has ample provision for all the spiritual nutrition and care for the proper growth of new Christians. Too many new converts needlessly fall away, or their growth is stunted. New Christians need not fear that they will be incapable of living successful lives for God. There are great blessings and victories for each one who will take counsel and follow the plan of God.

The burden of this issue is to share some of the keys for new Christians to use in order to maintain life and grow spiritually. While the focus is on new converts, the daily use of these keys also keeps mature Christians growing and prospering. God will do His part to ensure our success, but we cannot sit back and be at ease. We must be faithful and make sound choices and decisions to allow God’s purpose to be fulfilled in us. We must make our relationship with God a priority and follow hard after the things of the Lord.

A new convert need not be overwhelmed by spiritual needs, for the salvation experience is a daily walk—step by step, little by little. God will empower and help us daily as we seek His will in our lives. When you come to a locked door, you check your keys and find the right one. There are many spiritual keys at our disposal if we are diligent and avail ourselves of them.

If you are newly saved, be encouraged. The Lord will help you grow, bear fruit, and have victory as you do your part. “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee” (Deuteronomy 31:6).

May the Lord bless and keep you in His care and grace.

Michael W. Smith

July 2023
