Is it inconsistent to quote from the book of Psalms concerning praise and yet not use musical instruments in formal worship services?
King David, in spite of his many sins, was a man of worship and praise. The Psalms are full of his declarations of praise to God. He often inspired others to praise with not only song but to accompany it with instruments of music and even dance as in Psalm 150. David lived under the law of Moses and not under the truth of Jesus Christ. There are attributes and characteristics of David which are still commendable and inspirational even in this dispensation of grace.
Is not inconsistent to quote from David or the early prophets to educate, inform, and inspire. If there is something that is contrary to New Testament teaching, we no longer follow that example. While David’s praise is inspirational, as some of it aligns with New Testament teaching, some of his practices did not align with the teaching and practices of the saints in the New Testament.
While David offered sacrifices, tithed, worshiped with musical instruments, etc, the early New Testament church did not. They worshipped in spirit and in truth as opposed to the fleshly dictates and rituals of the law. There is no teaching in the New Testament advocating the use of musical instruments; and further, history indicates that the early morning church taught against their use in worship services as did many of the major reformers of the past.
For more information on the use of musical instruments in worship service see Issue 21 at:
Is modern “praise and worship” an acceptable mode of worship to the Lord?
There are a number of issues contained in this question and I probably will not address them all; but I will share a few things to consider about the modern practices of “praise and worship.” First, note that praise and worship in and of themselves are ordered of the Lord. However, true praise and worship is to be after the Spirit and not after the flesh. Too many churches have concerts and activities that are stimulants to the flesh and not advantageous to the spiritual well-being of the soul. If people can delight themselves in the fleshly use of multicolored lights, a talented band, and even dancing while singing songs of praise to God only to return home to lives of sin, the acceptability of such activities is highly questionable. It is not only possible but a fact that much of modern praise and worship is a mask for unrighteous living under the guise of Christianity.
The object of true worship is Christ Himself. Much of modern praise and worship exalts and magnifies the talents of man and the ability of the flesh. There is a stimulant and high that can occur from being in such services, but I have yet to see holiness as the long-term outcome. Music is not worship by itself, and if praise and worship is, in the words of one author, “a mood experience,” then it probably is not true worship.
Acceptable worship is that which comes from a heart of love for God, and a heart of love is proven by obedience to God. Even in the time of Christ, there were those that drew nigh to Jesus with their mouth and honored Him with their lips, but their hearts were far from Him (Matthew 15:8).
Many modern practices of praise and worship are worldly and contrary to the simplicity of godly worship. While everyone has the right and privilege to praise, children of God should not be guilty of perpetuating or condoning practices that are not acceptable to the Lord. Unfortunately, modern praise and worship does not generally draw people into a closer relationship with the Lord.