Published Throughout the Region

Editorial - Michael Smith

Published Throughout the Region

And the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region. —Acts 13:49

Our prayer and desire was and still is today for the simple gospel of Jesus Christ to be spread throughout all regions of the world. Religion and men’s organizations will never satisfy the longing soul. There is a great need for people to hear and read the unadulterated, pure teaching and doctrines of God’s Word.

It is with much thanksgiving to the Lord that we celebrate ten years of publishing the Gospel Truth. It has rarely been convenient or easy, but God’s work is not about convenience; it is about answering the call of God and doing His will, no matter what the cost. I remember well over twenty-five years ago expressing the need for a doctrinally-based paper to share with ministers on the mission field. It was many years later when it was incumbent upon us from the Lord to begin this ministry.

Here is an excerpt from the editorial of the first Gospel Truth issue in July 2012:

Through many years of ministry around the world, I have recognized a great need to help establish native ministries in the truth of the Word. This is not about gaining a following or having someone ‘join’ a group. It is about teaching and encouraging people to be the Church in their locality. Unity then comes about as people walk in the truth, being led by the Spirit.…It is the desire of my wife and me to share through the written word of this paper some of the foundational, scriptural truths that can assist honest hearts in becoming established in the truth.

For ten years, the Gospel Truth has been published every quarter. God has been faithful to provide this ministry with wonderful helpers and volunteers. It is only by their efforts, both local and abroad that this ministry has been able to grow and reach more people. We are grateful for those who have supported Gospel Truth Publishing with prayer and finances.

As we step forward into the next decade of publishing, we covet your prayers for greater inspiration and anointing.. May Christ ever be in view and His kingdom be the focus of every endeavor. May the Lord open more doors and enable the truth to be shared to hungry, seeking souls.

With a grateful heart,
Michael W. Smith
