Singing in Adversity

Singing in Adversity

At midnight, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. — Acts 16:25

While on a missionary journey, doing the work of God, Paul and Silas were taken, stripped, beaten with many stripes, and cast into prison. At midnight, in the inner prison with their feet held fast in the stocks, these bloodied men prayed and then began to sing praises to God.

There was a great earthquake; the prison doors opened up, and the prisoners were free. While a wonderful miracle took place that night, these brethren were singing in their tribulation before their deliverance came. May the Lord help us to find that secret place in our relationship with Him where we also can sing despite the troubles of life.

[The writing below is paraphrased from an article written by C. W. Naylor in Secret of the Singing Heart.]

Life is filled with adversity, pain, and disappointment. If we wait for a life free of problems to be happy, we will find little joy. True happiness doesn’t come from ease or a lack of obstacles, but from overcoming them. Often, true joy comes from souls that endure many challenges.

In 2 Corinthians 7:4, Paul writes, “I am filled with comfort, I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation.” The Psalmist also acknowledges this, saying, “I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hast known my soul in adversities” (Psalm 31:7). Knowing God is present during hardship brings peace.

Jesus is aware of all your struggles—every heartache and difficulty. Trust in His grace, and soon, your heart will again be filled with melody, for the clouds will pass away.

Adversity teaches us a new kind of song, one that requires both courage and trust. These are songs of confidence, trust, and hope for future victories. They are songs of gratitude for God’s past mercies. While harder to learn, these songs can bring more profound joy than those sung during prosperous times, as they arise from deeper faith. No matter how many trials we face, if we trust in God, we can still sing a song during adversity. ■

