Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses…. — Hebrews 12:1
This issue of the Gospel Truth is different in some ways than past issues of this publication, as it does not contain a Bible Study section and related articles. I am inspired to share a summary of the life and death of each of the twelve disciples. Their mission and sacrifice had a profound impact on the genesis of the church, and some of them were instrumental in writing the scripture as inspired by God.
The dedicated lives of these disciples still demonstrate to us two thousand years later what it means to be a disciple. Most of them were willing to suffer and die rather than recant their belief in Christ. Today, so many Christians struggle with things that pale in comparison to the challenges of these disciples. May the Lord help us to answer the call and fervently pursue the will of God. There is a need for more sacrifice and dedication. Too many hold on to Christ with one hand while holding on to the world with the other. LET GO and give it all up to follow Jesus!
My prayer is that God will encourage and challenge you to a deeper commitment to Jesus Christ as you read about “The Twelve.”
Michael W. Smith
January 2025