Stay Connected With Christ

Stay Connected With Christ

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. —John 15:4

Meaningful ministry takes time and sacrifice. It can drain the body physically and emotionally. After years of ministry, any intelligent, capable person can expound on the scripture and maintain at least a facade of sincerity. While others may still be edified, the deep spark of anointing and fire may be missing and ministry can become a sterile, static job to fulfill.

Effective ministry comes not from natural ability alone but from the fruit that grows from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus instructed His disciples to “Abide in Me”—dwell with me, live with me, walk with me. In other words, stay connected to me.

It is needful and vital for ministers of the Lord and all of God’s people to be careful in the business of ministering to others and fulfilling the great commission to not neglect the personal connection with Christ. The enemy uses the lawful and even good things of this life to interfere with the communication and oneness with the Spirit to weaken people’s connection with God.

When the pressures and weariness of ministry settle on the physical body, draw nigh to God. Spend time seeking the Lord personally and connecting with Him for yourself. When your cup is full, you are then able to minister to others with power and anointing because of the personal connection with Christ.

