
Editorial - Michael Smith


Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds.
—Proverbs 27:23b

The subject this quarter is on biblical financial stewardship. I stand in awe at the amount of information on the subject that is contained in God’s Word. It was a challenge to reduce such a large subject into this small forum. Stewardship is taught too little among God’s people and there has been a price to pay in marriages and in the gospel work due to mismanagement and poor stewardship.

The subject of money pertains to all people and how we manage that with which God has entrusted us has a great impact on our mental and spiritual walk with God. Too many Christians are servants to money either by debt or by a spirit of materialism. Lord help us to put it and keep it in its proper place.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of this subject. May God bless this information to whet the appetite of the reader to investigate more fully the truths contained herein. It is one thing to have a head knowledge but something else to practically apply these financial principles. Spend time and consider the state of your finances. Make whatever adjustments and sacrifices necessary to ensure your finances are in order for the present and the future that you may be a greater blessing to others.

Michael W. Smith

January 2019
