To Him Be Glory


To Him Be Glory

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
—2 Peter 3:18

Statues and monuments are erected to memorialize the dead and to inspire the living; grand universities are built to perpetuate human knowledge and to honor the intelligence of man; skyscrapers may testify of ingenuity and ability; and physical and digital libraries are full of the philosophies of mankind. Child of God, by which principle of this world shall we endeavor to live? To whom shall we honor and glorify with our lives?

The goal and purpose of God’s children should daily be to glorify Jesus Christ as the sovereign Lord and Savior of the world. While people of the world exalt themselves in that which they have done and plan to do, our exaltation should be in Christ alone.

May we seek to know and understand Christ that we may increase in His divine graces by the influence and power of the Spirit of God. As we love and obey God, our submission and consecration will deepen, and we will possess more and more the character of Christ Himself. In so doing, it is Christ alone that is exalted. May every goal, purpose, endeavor, dream, and ambition be rooted in the base cause of Christ, ever seeking the glory of the one and only savior of the world.

All honor, glory, and praise belong to Jesus Christ, for He is the Lord of lords, King of kings, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the author and the finisher of our faith. He possesses all power and dominion and reigns over every god and spirit of this world.

We can, should, and must—without apology and without shame—live to glorify the Lord Jesus every moment, until eternity, where we shall forever be in the wonderful presence of the almighty God. He is worthy of our praise and adoration in every situation of life. To Him be glory in time of trial, in the fire, in the darkness, through the tears, and even in death. It is not a hardship but an honor to glorify our Lord.■
